10月 30, 2016


「SEPTET〜7 Reason to Paint」
12/13 (Tue.)~ 12/18 (Sun.) 
@Design Festa Gallery Harajuku

[Concept] 普段は(もしくは仮の姿が)主婦、サラリーマン、フリーランスワーカーの女性作家7人が、それぞれにとっての”Painting"と向き合う作品の展示会になります。


Born in Tokyo, 1990. Raised in El Paso, Texas, USA. Expresses emotions and experiences through writing, painting, and photography. Her paintings are mainly oil painting works of self portraitures, and abstract works with flower motifs. Her hobbies are singing and eating. She has a big passion for animals and is currently studying animal welfare. Her future goal is to publish her own book, to become a pet welfare activist, and to have a family full of freedom and happiness.
URL▶︎ http://ennui-strawberry.blogspot.jp/

■ 楠田和実 / Kazumi Kusuda ■
1988年東京生まれ。大学で油画とアクリル画を学び、卒業後は現代美術ギャラリーで展示プランナーとして働く。同時にフリーランスとして個人や企業向けのデザイン制作に携わる。デザインとアートという二つの観点から、生活空間を彩るアートを提供する「Living Art」プロジェクトを2015年に始動。ドローイングの境界線に隔たれない着色で、モチーフから得た色彩イメージを表現する。
Born in Tokyo in 1988. After majoring oil and acrylic painting at university, she works as an exhibition coordinator at the contemporary art gallery. She also engages in graphic design for corporate and individual. Launches a project named "Living Art" in 2015, to offer artworks that enrich the living space.
She colors beyond contour lines by drawing, inspired by color impression of the motif.
URL▶︎ http://coroflot.com/kzdesign/portfolio

■ 久保夕香里 / Yukari Kubo ■
"動物園は私の家、動物は私の家族"をテーマに動物園で出会った動物の肖像画を描いている動物園画家。 大学時代に油絵と出会い色彩の素晴らしさに感銘を受ける。幼い頃に韓国で暮らし多彩な文化に触れた。大学入学をきっかけに日本に帰国するも、日本の生活に馴染めず居場所を探す日々。他人の目線が気になりストレスが溜まる生活の中でたどり着いた場所が動物園であった。動物との出会いをきっかけにありのままの姿で居る事の大切さを実感し独特な世界観を作り出す。休日は日本中の動物園に行き日々沢山の事を動物から学んでいる。
URL▶︎ http://www.facebook.com/unpetitzoo/

■ 奥野華生 / Hanami Okuno ■
Born in 1989, Tokyo. She has studied abroad in England when she was a high schooler. Majored in Art at Temple University Japan Campus. She has studied oil and acrylic painting, photography, design and videography. Her motif is always herself, and she has been analysing and expressing herself by creating self-portraits as seen in her paintings and photos.

■ 渡邉祐美 / Yumi Watanabe ■
Born in 1988. She was interested in art since she was a child because her father liked drawing. She was majoring oil painting and 2D design at university. After graduating, she ha been working as a sales for several years. But now she changed her career and now she works as a commercial designer, while continuing to make 2D design arts.

■ Emi Westside ■
Emi Westside is an artist with a diverse cultural backgound. Her artist name originates from her last name which has the literal meaning of West Armpit (side) aka "西脇"; adding to the fact that she has lived in California. Her inspirations come from nature, animals, fashion, music, and simply the survival of this life. What she strives to capture in her art is her honest feelings about life—embracing both the bright side and the flip side. She currently works as a graphic designer in Tokyo, while continuing to produce more exciting paintings.

■ Yosei ■
(coming soon!!)
